Standard document services are out of the box AIF services provided by Microsoft to work with business processes.
- Each service represents a different business process.
- You can look up a list of all the services under the services node in AOT
- Each service is represented by a document class and the name begins with Axd
- There is a pattern to naming which goes as follows: service name, service class with similar name, core class which is used to work with the data and query which has similar name as core class. eg.
- VendVendInvoiceService: Service name
- VendInvoiceService: Service class name
- VendInvoice: root class which holds the data
- AxdVendInvoice: the query used to work on the data
Following excellent msdn article lists all the standard document services, their document names, services they offer (products, sales orders etc.) and the supported service operations like read, create, update delete. Although i found VendVendInvoiceService missing in the list.
MSDN – Standard Document Services