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Coding code – Security role creater


Recently tasked with a mundane coding activity to create security roles based on a bunch of standard roles, i came up with a simple x++ code to help me in this activity or maybe just something to keep me awake!!

What you are trying to achieve in this code is to take all the duties that are part of a set of standard security roles and add those duties to a new security role you created. This role then becomes the starting point for further refinement.

All you need to change in this job is the calls to addDutiesFromSrcToDst method. The number of calls you will make is equal to the number of source roles and the arguments point to the source role name and destination role name. Also the new role should already exist, so just create a new role and supply it as argument.

If you want to know how to figure out the AOT name of the role based on a label name of the role then you can use the below piece of code to figure that out.

SecurityRole            securityRole;

while select * from securityRole
    order by Name
    info(strFmt('Name: %1, AOT Name: %2', securityRole.Name, securityRole.AotName));

Here is the code to merge the source role duties and add them to the new role duties node.

static void CreateNewRole(Args _args)

    int             counter, counter1;
    boolean         dutyExistsInNewRole;

    TreeNode        securityRoleDutiesNode;
    str             sourceSecRole1_DutyPath;
    int             sourceSecRole1_DutyCounter;

    TreeNode        newSecurityRoleDutiesNode;
    str             newSecRole_DutyPath;
    int             newSecRole_DutyCounter;

    TreeNode        sourceSecRole1_DutyNode;
    TreeNode        newSecRole_DutyNode;

    str             sourceDutyName;
    str             newSecDutyName;

    TreeNode        newlyAddedDuty;

    void addDutiesFromSrcToDst(str _srcPath, str _destPath)
        // Initialize first security role to copy duties from
        sourceSecRole1_DutyPath = #SecRolesPath + _srcPath;
        securityRoleDutiesNode = TreeNode::findNode(sourceSecRole1_DutyPath);
        sourceSecRole1_DutyCounter = securityRoleDutiesNode.AOTchildNodeCount();

        sourceSecRole1_DutyNode = securityRoleDutiesNode.AOTfirstChild();
        for(counter = 1; counter<=sourceSecRole1_DutyCounter; counter++)
            dutyExistsInNewRole = false;
            sourceDutyName = sourceSecRole1_DutyNode.AOTname();
            // Initialize the new security role\duties node
            newSecRole_DutyPath = #SecRolesPath + _destPath;
            newSecurityRoleDutiesNode = TreeNode::findNode(newSecRole_DutyPath);
            newSecRole_DutyCounter = newSecurityRoleDutiesNode.AOTchildNodeCount();
            newSecRole_DutyNode = newSecurityRoleDutiesNode.AOTfirstChild();
            for(counter1 = 1; counter1<=newSecRole_DutyCounter; counter1++)
                newSecDutyName = newSecRole_DutyNode.AOTname();
                if(sourceDutyName == newSecDutyName)
                    dutyExistsInNewRole = true;
                newSecRole_DutyNode = newSecRole_DutyNode.AOTnextSibling();
                // Add this duty to the new role's duties node
                newlyAddedDuty = newSecurityRoleDutiesNode.AOTadd(sourceDutyName);
                newlyAddedDuty.AOTsetProperty('Name', sourceDutyName);
                //sourceSecRole1_DutyNode.AOTinsert(newSecurityRoleDutiesNode, newSecurityRoleDutiesNode, true);
                dutyExistsInNewRole = false;
            //info(strFmt('%1, %2', counter, sourceDutyName));
            sourceSecRole1_DutyNode = sourceSecRole1_DutyNode.AOTnextSibling();

    addDutiesFromSrcToDst('\\InventMaterialsManager\\Duties', '\\NewRole\\Duties');
    addDutiesFromSrcToDst('\\CRMMarketingCoordinator\\Duties', '\\NewRole\\Duties');
    addDutiesFromSrcToDst('\\RouteProcessEngineeringManager\\Duties', '\\NewRole\\Duties');
    addDutiesFromSrcToDst('\\ProdProductionSupervisor\\Duties', '\\NewRole\\Duties');
    addDutiesFromSrcToDst('\\SMAFieldServiceTechnician\\Duties', '\\NewRole\\Duties');

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